The Jade Roast

The Jade Roast is a graphic design project I created to show my creative process, concept ideas, and design skills. This self-made project was completed in about a few days, including the designing of this webpage.

My Process

When starting off this project, I wanted to create something simple and organic, as opposed to something bright and complex. I began thinking up some basic ideas for a local business. A small business was the prefect idea as the owners would need to make the most of a brand with simple but distinct look. I settled on a plant café idea and began finding photos to set the mood.

After contemplating ideas from my mood board, I settled on the name The Jade Roast, in reference to both the plant aesthetic and the café atmosphere. For this project I wanted a more organic design, so I took to my physical drawing pad and started sketching. I sketched both some food and botanical elements and then moved onto the next stage.

Design Elements

Grabbing from my sketches, I created some hand drawn elemental pieces in Illustrator and a few different styles of logos. I wanted a natural, relaxed look, so I went with calm and cozy depictions of things one would see at the café.

These ended up being the final choices for the café. I was minimal on color usage because I picture the logo being stamped onto the business’s products and menus.


Continuing on with the natural and cozy mood, I created a menu and mockups for The Jade Roast. Staying with its inviting setup, I stage The Jade Roast with simple, yet memorable, designs to display throughout the business and on social media.

Thank you for joining me through this journey of my design process. I thank you for your time and consideration. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to reach out. I am always opening to hearing constructive criticism and learning to grow in my craft. It takes continuous hard work to create something you can be proud of, and I pride myself on working hard. I hope I was able to inspire you to create something new and I look forward to both of us reaching our goals.